Monday, 28 February 2011

Dukan or Du-can't

So as I said I needed a complete free week to get myself back into the’s here it’s finally here.

Today I start the Dukan diet...seriously I'm collecting fad diet points :-) But whatev's....I'll try anything to lose the lard that isn’t tablet or knife based.

I can't be hopped to explain the whole diet here....but it’s basically high protein, low fat....easy as that.

Now...some will say...blah blah...don't give up carbs and I blah blah back. If you’ve lost 6 stone and conquered the crappy head stuff that goes with it then you can tell me what I should do but in the meantime....shhhh! (oooh very stroppy aren't I and NO its not carb withdrawal!!)

The first 6 days (Attack phase) are pure protein with low fat dairy allowed after than veggies are added in. It seems quite strict but you know I think I need it....too much choice an all that might not be great for me. The whole point of this plan is to lose weight and gradually add carbs back in after a sustained period of weight loss but without the Atkins style high fatness (who needs more high fatness....seriously!)

Well....I have to admit the thought of eating poultry, meat, fish and low fat dairy (i.e. cottage cheese and 0% fat yogurt) for a whole 6 days is a bit odd but I’ve read loads of testimonials, done a lot of research and it seems it’s not as odd as I fear....I shall report back and let you know.

Today’s consumption so far as been a 0% fat cherry yogurt for breakfast, 12000 teas/sugar free squash’s (that’s normal) and a chicken breast, baked with some herbs and a couple of fat prawns. Dinner is in the future and it will be late as I’m going to see KT Tunstall but I’m going to make something.......chickeny!!

Anyway...Dr Dukan advocates you weigh yourself everyday when you do the pure protein Attack phase so as this morning weight was so traumatic lets hope I’ve lost a stone by tomorrow!! :-)

Anyhooo....anon picklets xx

Monday, 21 February 2011

Failed Again

I need to restart this fat loss journey. Back to square one again.

This week I shall attempt to keep the damage to a minimum as I have a conference, a wedding and a night out on Sat. (DAMN MY SOCIAL LIFE!)

p.s. Apologies for the tiny post but I just needed to get it down. I NEED TO START OVER and I need a good 2 weeks to get my groove on so from Monday 28th Feb I'm on it!

Pray for me peeps...........(and not in a god squad a temple of Shiraz way) :-)


Wednesday, 16 February 2011

A Realisation (Of Sorts)

Ok it’s been a couple of weeks since my last post and I've been trapped in a fug of alcoholic haze. Seriously peeps, after a successful January with no booze I've spent February hammered, I've lost and gained and lost the same 6 lbs almost every that even possible??

Do I seriously need to consider I might have an issue with moderation? Probably....! Now I don’t wake up every day with the need to drink....worse I wake up still with the traumatic memory of the hangover that arrived on the Sunday morning, that’s enough to put me off until the following Saturday when I feel fantastic and you know what..’I totally fancy a glass of wine’ and so it begins!  The issue with moderation comes in with my inability to say no. ‘Can I top you up?’ ‘Fancy some pink champagne?’ ‘Another round?’ my answer to all of these questions is yes...yes...DOUBLE YES!

And herein lies my problem but this in itself isn’t the only problem. It’s the carb medication I do to aid recovery which when you’re trying to cut down on the evil bleeders is a bit of an issue and hence the losing and gaining the same SODDING 6lbs pounds.

Of course the remedy to this is STOP DRINKING. I have considered it and I did it in January but my god life was dull.

I’m not saying either that one needs booze to have fun but I’m 31, single and going out for dinner and drinks is the basis of my social life and that’s not going to change anytime soon. What I need to learn is self control, the benefit of moderation and frankly the word NO. Actually this could be assigned to most areas of my life!!

I’ve got a long way to go peeps...!

Anon for now xx

Wednesday, 2 February 2011

Week 3 Weigh In

It is a bloody miracle that I didn’t gain 5 stone this weekend.

Apparently diets don’t work it you don’t eat all day then drink in excess of a MILLION glasses of alcoholic substance. I say substance as I’m pretty sure that Sake is essentially turps!! (cosmopolitan I am not!)

I’ll set the scene.

Saturday night out with the King and Queen T and the birthday boy Le W (30....soooo old *coughs*), We head to a really great Japanese restaurant and commence a what I would like to call a sophisticated night out (I’ll point out here, I’d already fallen over, ripped my tights and ended up as flustered mess even before I’d left my house....CLASSY!).

We arrive and they seat us in the bar area we order drinks. “a large dry white please”. Sip one...oh my old friend, I’ve missed was empty in 4.2 seconds.....NEXT!

The restaurant is a teppanyaki place which is THE BEST THING FOR DIETERS EVER. Essentially you sit round a steal hot plate which is hotter that the surface of the sun, reducing my cheeks to a colour only seen in a lab. We started with a bowl of miso, a small Japanese salad and sushi then the excellent comedy chef cooks steak, seafood, vegetables and rice which he packs into a bowl and throws at you. Thank GOD for my excellent catching skills....further red faced moments avoided.

The thing about Japanese food is it fits all diets, low carb, Slimming World, low GI...etc. Its cooked in seconds in hardly any oil....Oh and completely delicious!

Naturally we drank 45 glasses of wine, Queen T and I decide that Sake would be a really good idea....when in Rome and all that.

We chose a cold Sake, it comes in the cutest little cups from the cutest little bottle but doesn’t taste cute in any kinda way. (NB. Obviously this is personal taste and in no way meant as an offence at all). Safe to say it’s not my bag.....I took the taste away with more wine.

The nights progressing well, we head to a local pub and settle in till closing, then we head further into town in search of more merriment, clearly this takes the form of cocktails in coconuts (YEAY!!) somehow we have more wine and then Jack Daniels...I mean at what point didn’t I just STOP!??

Jeeeez....home, sleepytime...wake up. What form of seventh hell is this??

Remember, I’d not had a hangover since Christmas and it was truly awful. The remedy, a 2 hour shower, tea, DVD (an Alan Rickman fest!) and carbs.....A LOT OF CARBS and the less said about that, the better!

So week 3 weigh in arrives.....I sheepishly step on the scales waiting for it to scream.....1lb on. Wait....WHAT? 1lb....that’s IT? AMAZEBALLS.

I will buck my ideas up, make more miso (my new favourite thing) and crack on. Out on Sat with the girls and I shall pledge now I WILL NOT DRINK WINE ( if!)

Have a great day picklets xx