Wednesday, 16 February 2011

A Realisation (Of Sorts)

Ok it’s been a couple of weeks since my last post and I've been trapped in a fug of alcoholic haze. Seriously peeps, after a successful January with no booze I've spent February hammered, I've lost and gained and lost the same 6 lbs almost every that even possible??

Do I seriously need to consider I might have an issue with moderation? Probably....! Now I don’t wake up every day with the need to drink....worse I wake up still with the traumatic memory of the hangover that arrived on the Sunday morning, that’s enough to put me off until the following Saturday when I feel fantastic and you know what..’I totally fancy a glass of wine’ and so it begins!  The issue with moderation comes in with my inability to say no. ‘Can I top you up?’ ‘Fancy some pink champagne?’ ‘Another round?’ my answer to all of these questions is yes...yes...DOUBLE YES!

And herein lies my problem but this in itself isn’t the only problem. It’s the carb medication I do to aid recovery which when you’re trying to cut down on the evil bleeders is a bit of an issue and hence the losing and gaining the same SODDING 6lbs pounds.

Of course the remedy to this is STOP DRINKING. I have considered it and I did it in January but my god life was dull.

I’m not saying either that one needs booze to have fun but I’m 31, single and going out for dinner and drinks is the basis of my social life and that’s not going to change anytime soon. What I need to learn is self control, the benefit of moderation and frankly the word NO. Actually this could be assigned to most areas of my life!!

I’ve got a long way to go peeps...!

Anon for now xx


  1. Is it bad that I laugh at your blogs? Yours is so much funnier than mine!

    I have exactly the same problem, but with saying no to food rather than drink. I can take or leave a glass of wine. But last night, *beep beep*... txt message arrived. "Hi Ben. Sorry it's short notice but can you come for dinner tonight?"... Of course, my response should have been "NO, sorry, Diet is calling. I've got a lovely bowl of soup waiting for me at home tonight..." HA! as if that's EVER going to happen!!

    So, Thai red curry it was instead last night rather than soup! Quite possibly as far on the other end of the "calorific scale" as you could get from "soup & some additional veg" *sigh*

    All I can take away from it was that it was nice, it was a treat, and I've now got to try extra hard today and tomorrow to compensate. It's going well so far...

    So... yes, Kate, go out and have a good time! But... 1) just don't try and do it every night and 2) try and compensate on the other days!?!

    It might work...

  2. lol,i have the same "problem" as you, i dont stop and i LOVE to drink! im not dying if i cant,but basically,its what i like to do on my spare time...
    one cant do everything at the same time; stop drinking,eat healthy,start the gym - its not natural - one thing at a time,i say.
    i think id start with the junkfood issue and keep on drinking for relief and fun :D you can reward yourself with party!?!

    i bet im not good at giving advice. i should say suck it up and do this and that, but i wont,because i think its stupid.
    but fortunately,Ben on the other hand had some wise things to say!!

  3. Ben....I think sometimes the only way I can write this stuff is in a comedy manner (well attempt a comedy manner) otherwise it would be just too depressing! Ha! But your right...we gotta live! :-)

    Inge....You and I are cut from the same cloth...Haha, two drunks together! :-))
