Monday, 7 March 2011

Apparently I Du-CAN!!!!

Week 1 of the Dukan diet done....which means the Attack phase is over and I can eat veggies again....who’d have thunk I’d miss veggies?? I started to get a craving for greens about Wednesday but I persevered.

I had a Saturday night without the demon drink which was just as good........mainly as all around me were spangled and hilarious but still....not so bad  but don’t get me wrong, it took ALL my will power not to have a glass of wine and I sort of felt like a bit of a killjoy (don’t worry, next Monday you’ll be getting a post about drunken antics of the annual hat party at king and queen T’s!)

So.....a summary of the week of attack on Dukan.

Basically I ate turkey and fish which is fine....I love both. Smoked salmon, prawns, mussels, baked trout, squid etc...I had it all. Occasionally having a bit of cottage cheese on the side and shock, horror and slice of gherkin (in the old days a treat was a Pringle - these days a SLICE of gherkin!)

To be honest the fact you can have oatbran, albeit a small amount was a real saving grace. I did as I was told and made a galette out of it with an egg and a smidge of Quark. Sometimes had it with lemon and splenda but the best was with smoked salmon! The galette comes out like an American pancake so I made smaller ones and topped it with quark and smoked salmon....hello cocktail party canapés, sans the Martini of course mores the pity!

Yes it is restricted, you do have to drink ALOT of water and the book says 20mins of exercise everyday which is hardly difficult and, how do I put this delicately? The loo issue isn’t so frequent but that’s why you HAVE to drink lots of water...flush out the crap so to speak........(Ewwww subject change immediately!)

BUT...there are massive benefits. I feel great, my skin is peachy, my hair has grown about an inch (exaggerations) and the weight loss is immense. So I hear you ask.....what was the total loss??

6 days of pure protein attack phase resulting in a 12lb loss. HOLY BABY CHEESES!!! 2lbs short of a stone! Huzzah!

So I now go onto the Cruise phase where you alternate pure protein and protein and vegetable days...this is the long slog bit. You follow this until you reach the weight about 12 years knowing my history but the book say I should reach it by the end of the year.

Well........let’s see how it goes shall we.....I’m off to get a celery stick *squeals* J

Anon pickles  

P.S. My Twitter pal Inge informs me that Dukan means 'you can' in Norwegian....ITS A SIGN!!!! J



  1. WOW!!! you have done really good,that must be such a boost for going on with it too:) and if you also feel yourself looking good otherwise,it must be a wonderdiet.the sign is spot on: du kan,du kan,du kan:)
    in spite of all that healthy water, im so glad youll will be drunk again soon!!!haha

  2. I'll be honest with you, I read your post, sighed and then rolled my eyes when I saw 12lbs lost...

    However, if it works, it works, etc, etc... and not having done any research whatsoever about this "diet" means I can't properly comment. So, one a purely "gut feeling" feeling basis, I'm worried that this one is merely an extreme form of the Atkins Diet. I'm not sure if that's worse or better than trying to live on 1000-1200 calories a day, so all I'll say is just be careful! :)

  3. Thanks for the congratulations Ben...nothing to do with working my arse off or anything just another fad diet!!

    Inge - I shall regale you with drunken tales soon....I'm telling you the du kan attitude is doing all the work. I feel inspired thats for sure.
