Monday, 24 January 2011

Week 2 - The Result

So a week of gym action and healthy cooking I scored the grand total of.....................drum roll!!!!!

1lb off!!

To say I'm disappointed is an understatement.....totally bloody FURIOUS would be more apt. Now I know 1 off is better than 1 on, a loss is a loss and yes, yes I realise I’m on the right track but seriously HOW annoying after all that effort........I can gain 3lbs in a day yet it takes a week to lose 1lb.

Still working the no booze thing and cooking from scratch, had 2 meals out but was seriously angelic, a lot of salad at both.

I guess that there’s just no rhyme or reason to weight loss. I have to start believing that as long as I stick to the plan then I will at some point start to shift a decent amount of weight (please baby cheeses give me a pill so that I can wake up tomorrow slim!)

Anyway, anyway, anyway....I neglected to post this up last week. I made a beetroot risotto which was tres good. So I will take my moaning away and let you look at pictures of my Masterchef cooking! (Ha!)

Cubed beets. The shameles clashing of chopping board and knife! 

Rice and red onion having a mingle

Stock and beets added, I wanted it to be more pink though

The finished artical, was actually a lot better than it looks. I say YEAY for beetroot risotto
So there we go.....I did make the Thai noodle soup too but due to a rather dramatic raspberry suicide all over my lovely cream carpet I neglected to take a photo. The result....could have done better so I'll try it again this week.

So will blog again soon! Onwards and downwards Pickles xx

Monday, 17 January 2011

A New Week 1 result - 2011 stylee

Week 1 of the 2011 'New Me' challenge

6lbs off..........soooo eating a diet based solely around vegetables is essentially going to result in a good weight loss. Good good news chaps!

This week will hopefully be just as positive, probably won't lose as much but as long as it’s a loss then I'm happy. Will be trying out some new recipes too. A beetroot risotto, a new style mushroom soup, oh and I will make the Thai soup I neglected to create last week! I WILL!

I'll try and remember to take photos and do a blog post as and lucky people, seriously, warn me when I'm actually about to bore you to death (if not already...eeek)

As its considered Blue Monday today in the real world, off we all pop to make ourselves a cuppa, tea always makes you happy, right? Course it does!!!

Have a good day peeps xx

Thursday, 13 January 2011

Roasted Pepper Pasta Sauce REVELATION

Ok...this is a post about last night’s dinner.........AMAZEBALLS!!!! (If I do say so myself)

I was going to make the Thai noodle soup but I got back from the gym at 8:30pm and frankly couldn't be hooped so here's what I did -

Chopped up a red pepper, one onion, a spray of cooking oil and bunged it in, roasted it whilst I showered.

Dragged the blender from the back of the cupboard (proceeded to drop the git on my toes and hopped around screaming obscenities for a good 10 minutes) . After I recovered, I blended the veggies, chucked in some passata and a twist of S & P, heated it back up and mixed in some pasta spirals and topped with a scrapping of parmesan. It was ace...almost fat free, healthy and filling. A great post-bug infested sweat box, I mean gym dinner.

The only change I'd make is to add some garlic (I mean why I didn't to begin with is beyond me) but it was really ace.

So here's a pic......

Well....thats all. This week is going well.....PMA as they say :-)


Tuesday, 11 January 2011

*Creeps In Sits Down And Hopes No One Notices I've Been Missing*

Ahem.......register call for the fat class. Kate? Here Miss....well, well, well, the wanderer returns.

And now we've got that over with I shall begin..........

Yes, I've been awol for a few months having a fat breakdown about my seeming inability to lose any lard, well actually not strictly true, I lost 8lbs in November but then spent December and the festive period piling it all back on...what fun! But now it’s crunch time I have to shift this and shift I will.

Main reason - Wedding of oldest pal in June, one is bridesmaid and I have to look at least vaguely presentable for photos that will last FOREVER!! Ok, ok it’s not the main reason, I'm sick of wearing fat clothes, shopping in fat shops and being generally disgustingly fat. I've mentioned my reasons in a previous post so I won’t dwell again as we all know them really. So I should just get on with blogging about weight loss and my journey (oooh so spiritual!!?)

So yesterday I started properly. back to work, back to the routine (which I have discovered I need) and back on plan.

I started with a measured portion of porridge made with skimmed milk. This was so delish (Wait...did I actually just say delish – I’m a disgrace!) I took some for lunch too...I know I know not ideal but I hadn't made it to the shops yet.
Had fruit and lots of water throughout the day and for dinner I made a creation of quorn, aubergine and pasta bake....would you like photos?? Course you would!!

Aubergines having a wee soak

The Quorn sauce, tomatoes, carrots, peppers, onions, garlic and a whole host of herbs and spices
The finished and rather high roast article

I think it actually needed more sauce, more passata next time or maybe a white sauce made from low fat phili and fromage frais (or somefink) stil, it was good and I clearly made enough for more portions so that this week’s lunches sorted.

I’m going to make soup this week too, found a fabulous Thai inspired chicken one so that’s next on the cooking rota.

Anyhoo........that’s the start and I hope to continue. GYM TONIGHT via the shops to purchase a new T-shirt, the other one is just obscenely dice!

Will post again soon (when I have something vaguely interesting to say)

Anon Pickles xx