Tuesday, 11 January 2011

*Creeps In Sits Down And Hopes No One Notices I've Been Missing*

Ahem.......register call for the fat class. Kate? Here Miss....well, well, well, the wanderer returns.

And now we've got that over with I shall begin..........

Yes, I've been awol for a few months having a fat breakdown about my seeming inability to lose any lard, well actually not strictly true, I lost 8lbs in November but then spent December and the festive period piling it all back on...what fun! But now it’s crunch time I have to shift this and shift I will.

Main reason - Wedding of oldest pal in June, one is bridesmaid and I have to look at least vaguely presentable for photos that will last FOREVER!! Ok, ok it’s not the main reason, I'm sick of wearing fat clothes, shopping in fat shops and being generally disgustingly fat. I've mentioned my reasons in a previous post so I won’t dwell again as we all know them really. So I should just get on with blogging about weight loss and my journey (oooh so spiritual!!?)

So yesterday I started properly. back to work, back to the routine (which I have discovered I need) and back on plan.

I started with a measured portion of porridge made with skimmed milk. This was so delish (Wait...did I actually just say delish – I’m a disgrace!) I took some for lunch too...I know I know not ideal but I hadn't made it to the shops yet.
Had fruit and lots of water throughout the day and for dinner I made a creation of quorn, aubergine and pasta bake....would you like photos?? Course you would!!

Aubergines having a wee soak

The Quorn sauce, tomatoes, carrots, peppers, onions, garlic and a whole host of herbs and spices
The finished and rather high roast article

I think it actually needed more sauce, more passata next time or maybe a white sauce made from low fat phili and fromage frais (or somefink) stil, it was good and I clearly made enough for more portions so that this week’s lunches sorted.

I’m going to make soup this week too, found a fabulous Thai inspired chicken one so that’s next on the cooking rota.

Anyhoo........that’s the start and I hope to continue. GYM TONIGHT via the shops to purchase a new T-shirt, the other one is just obscenely snug...no dice!

Will post again soon (when I have something vaguely interesting to say)

Anon Pickles xx


  1. maaaaan,thai soup is one of my favorites - thats what i want for dinner now.im gonna make that too :D and also, good luck & keep up the good work!!!

  2. Do it, do it, make some! Thanks lovely x

  3. thought about it, shopped for it, doing it - tom kha gai ROCKS!! notice my effortless use of the thai language ;)

  4. Hurrah....very impressed. I expect a photo story on your blog :-)
