Wednesday, 29 September 2010

Bums......I Feel A Tad Urgh!

So Day 8 of my new diet....low carb if anyone's forgotten and I'm feeling distinctly grim.....! I do not do ill feelings or illness in fact. I prefer well, chirpy really not rotten in anyway so please go away urgh feeling.

I'm not feeling sick which I thought having hung out with McB at the weekend and the child bugs that she harbours I might have picked up her cold but no. I scoured the internet and after reading a few articles I'm informed that I'm having a 'carb crash'. Hell's one warned of any crashing, this was not part of the rude!

The theory is that it happens when your body’s glucose reserves (stored in the liver as glycogen – science bit!) are used up, but your body is not yet used to running on protein you begin to feel abit run down.

Symptoms include :

Shaky, jittery - No not me....isn’t this called alcohol withdrawal? (saying that...!)

Fatigue - Well yes but I stayed up watching Control on Film 4....I recommend, it’s a piece of genius! here

Irritable - I am at work remember!

A general feeling of 'not quite right' - Yeap,  that’s it....I feel odd, peculiar no less but nothing in particular, a bit of a headache since last night but just....what’s the word.......meh!

BUT the happy news is I am also informed that this will pass in a few days and if I persevere after Day 10 the fog will lift and I will feel stupendous (can't wait for that!)

So today I will mostly be trying to keep warm, drink tea and not be bothered by pesky boys. I shall dream of what it will be like to feel stupendous!! How exciting!

Anyhoo for now........anon pickles xx

P.S..I have 3 spots on my face....I NEVER get spots...I’m hoping this is part of the carb detox and not the onset of delayed teenaged acne *shakes fist at spots*

Tuesday, 28 September 2010

Week 1 - Result!!!!

And it was...................*inserts dramatic music*............6 whole pounds off......Hu-bloody-rah!!

A week of sensible eating and a trundle round some water and I ditch 6lbs of lardy lard. (yes, yes I know the science it's probably only water but....shhhh!)

That’s a good enough start for me peeps.

Here's to the next 6!

Have a great day....I'm off to eat my prawn salad and pump some gym iron (or cycle gently on a bike) for a few later!

Anon Pickles xx

Monday, 27 September 2010

Just Another Manic Monday.

Wait........its Monday? How the hecky peck did that happen? Where did my weekend go? Oh that’s a haze of cakey loveliness!

It seems wrong that the first photos I post to a weight loss blog is a massive tower of cake but whatev's....and and and Oliver and I walked it off yesterday with our trek around the lovely wooded reservoir. (is it me or does that sound vaguely rude!?)

FYI....the cakes were amazeballs!

Had one of those great weekends when your with people you love and you just talk utter rubbish but it all makes sense. One of those, vent and be vented at. You can tell your secrets, your worries and happy happy news and at the end of the day you feel rosy and smug in your tremendous choice in friends. Yeay! My god how Enid Blyton of us...only it was lashings and lashings of tea!

Most (well, mine) weekends pass in an alcoholic smog where you breeze about doing your thing but sometimes you need to be brought back down to earth and have a good old chinwag with your old skool homies and I guess now I've started this diet I may have to stop/limit passing the weekend time in a boozy fog and see more of these girls. I mean, I don't want to, I have to...I joke, I joke. They are the best people for support, they encourage me to do more and to be better and it very clear to me that I'm the lucky one. I heart my homies!

Before this descends into a Hallmark movie script I'll stop on the over sentimentality and move on.

So manic Monday has been kind.......I've spent the entire day on my own, no boys to ruin and I've done loads of research and fact finding on the diet whilst actually working too....amazing multi-tasking skills going on here!

Interesting point - Loads of people give up carbs as a way of controlling their weight. Its seems the diet de jour for the glitterati that’s for sure and I’ve seen some of their bodies....does this mean I’m going to end this looking like JLo....oh ok!

So its weigh in day tomorrow. Hopefully Saturdays excesses haven't done too much damage, gym action in a bit too so that'll help........I'll post the result sometime tomorrow but before I skip off, heres a photo of the little dude during our trek.

Anon Pickles xx

Friday, 24 September 2010

Happy Weekend Peeps

Its Friday, thank little baby cheeses and I've had a great week, I hope you have too.

Started the blog, saw the girls and attended a Pampered Chef night last night which was brillski. I ordered some amazingly cool dotty glasses here and  I splashed out and brought a food chopper....what a devil! The diet's gone swimmingly. I feel really in control and positive which is a great start and frankly a precursor to the rest of this plan.

Exercise I have to admit has been rather lacking as I am a lazy bint but but but I have good excuses everyday for why I slacked off (only no one actually ask me).

This weekend is looking like a gem too.....afternoon tea with a few of my best bitches for a post, post hen hen for our Sazz and then the flicks. I do realise that afternoon tea generally consists of cake, cake, sandwiches, cake and some tea with cake but’s been organised forever and one has to live one’s life. I shall walk doubly fast on Sunday with Oliver. Promise!

So happy weekends and I'll see you next week for some hopefully interesting posts and the first 'weigh in' *dramatic music*

Anon Pickles xx

Wednesday, 22 September 2010

Today Tomorrow........Forever!

And so I embark on what I hope is my final jaunt into the world of dieting and self improvement. I have like many girls in the chubs category tried every diet under the sun and whilst some have been better than others and with a variable success rate I know in my heart of hearts healthy eating and exercise are they only way forward. (boo, hiss.......we all want crisps!). As the post title suggests, this is forever so it needs to be vaguely fun!

Now to start things off I will say what type of diet I’m going to follow but first can I say it’s called a ‘diet’ not eating plan. I don’t have any truck with that baloney that using the word ‘diet’ makes us lardies feel restricted and rebellious and hence causing us to’s a word like ‘fat’ let’s embrace them and use them as ours and not make the words our enemy. (too deep too early? Yuk!)

So back to the diet - In a word.....low carb! Not Atkins, there’s no overdosing on half cow’s, parmesan wheels and double cream it’s just reducing my intake of processed carbohydrates and sticking to the good ones, brown rice for example.

I have a bit of a gluten intolerance, nothing that makes me get comedy fat face allergies just a wee one so I cut out bread and pasta and I lost a few pounds and having cut out all carbs before I know that I lose weight but it’s not sustainable with one’s lifestyle. You know...friends, dinner out, beer, well in fact ALL alcohol so I thought. ‘how about cut carbs when I’m making the choices, the everyday diet and then when I’m out not worry about it.’ I think this is the healthiest way of doing things, emotionally more than anything else as I know only too well that my social life is a killer to diets as I get the guilt, it spirals and I flip out (issues anyone!?). Anyhoo...I’d rather be fat than bored, at home with lettuce and dust!

So its lean meat, fish, veggies, fruits (within reason, I love fruit and I know about the sugar but a blueberry is NOT why I’m fat!) and low fat dairy. It’s pretty simple really and my main plan is proper cooking, from scratch, none of this convenience malarkey and no ‘oh I’ll just have toast and a vat of vino tint for dinner’.

So we broach the thorny topic of exercise. Urgh, the hateful brute! You know I don’t hate exercise I hate sweating.....oh sweet Jesus I hate it. I arrive at the gym, I go bright red walking through the door, I sit on the bike, plug my headphones in, I’m sweating....I’ve not even put my bright white (read : new/unused) trainered foot on the pedal and I’ve got a roast on! FFS!! This is actually because my gym has a major aversion to air con, the fecking morons! (and I pay to go!). So baring this in mind I’m putting my distaste aside and I’m going to MAKE myself go every day. Obviously if I’m out with the bitches for the eve the gym can go F itself but like the diet. I’ll do it more than not.

Weekends are a different matter. Gyms are soul devouring at the best of times and I refuse to spend my S-days there so the plan involves a little dude that loves, nay relishes a long walk and that’s what I’ll be doing. The little dude is called Oliver and he belongs to the parentals and I plan to dognap him....he LOVES it! There’s plenty of walks round Bumpkin shire where I live so I’m going exploring!

So this is it.............I think I’ve stumbled upon a winning formula (fingers, toes, arms, legs, eyes crossed and all that). I plan to enjoy this process as much as I can, it’s the 80/20 format.....80% on it, 20% FUN TIMES and I think this is the sustainable and long-term way to go.

Day 2....5lbs down! HELL YEAH! (I won’t be doing that every post....just once a week)

Anon Pickles xx

Tuesday, 21 September 2010

Hello to you there in cyberland

Well howdy, hey, hi, easy now peeps and welcome.

This is my first foray into the world of blogging. I apologise in advance for my ramblings. I'm sure they will be at best mildly comical and at worst nonsensical!

I decided to write this as a diary, a disposition venter really. I have tremendous friends who just don't need to hear it all so you dear reader are my sounding board. It's going to be about my road to fabulosity....not that I'm not already a little bit fab just I know I could do better.

So its diet, exercise, style and hopefully funnies. It's probably not going to have a method it will just be thoughts on my mind or excellent things I’ve seen.

So.....I will go away and think long and hard about this and come back with something resembling a proper start!

Anon pickles xx