Monday, 27 September 2010

Just Another Manic Monday.

Wait........its Monday? How the hecky peck did that happen? Where did my weekend go? Oh that’s a haze of cakey loveliness!

It seems wrong that the first photos I post to a weight loss blog is a massive tower of cake but whatev's....and and and Oliver and I walked it off yesterday with our trek around the lovely wooded reservoir. (is it me or does that sound vaguely rude!?)

FYI....the cakes were amazeballs!

Had one of those great weekends when your with people you love and you just talk utter rubbish but it all makes sense. One of those, vent and be vented at. You can tell your secrets, your worries and happy happy news and at the end of the day you feel rosy and smug in your tremendous choice in friends. Yeay! My god how Enid Blyton of us...only it was lashings and lashings of tea!

Most (well, mine) weekends pass in an alcoholic smog where you breeze about doing your thing but sometimes you need to be brought back down to earth and have a good old chinwag with your old skool homies and I guess now I've started this diet I may have to stop/limit passing the weekend time in a boozy fog and see more of these girls. I mean, I don't want to, I have to...I joke, I joke. They are the best people for support, they encourage me to do more and to be better and it very clear to me that I'm the lucky one. I heart my homies!

Before this descends into a Hallmark movie script I'll stop on the over sentimentality and move on.

So manic Monday has been kind.......I've spent the entire day on my own, no boys to ruin and I've done loads of research and fact finding on the diet whilst actually working too....amazing multi-tasking skills going on here!

Interesting point - Loads of people give up carbs as a way of controlling their weight. Its seems the diet de jour for the glitterati that’s for sure and I’ve seen some of their bodies....does this mean I’m going to end this looking like JLo....oh ok!

So its weigh in day tomorrow. Hopefully Saturdays excesses haven't done too much damage, gym action in a bit too so that'll help........I'll post the result sometime tomorrow but before I skip off, heres a photo of the little dude during our trek.

Anon Pickles xx

1 comment:

  1. I still can't face drinking tea yet, I've over dosed! x
