So Day 8 of my new diet....low carb if anyone's forgotten and I'm feeling distinctly grim.....! I do not do ill feelings or illness in fact. I prefer well, chirpy really not rotten in anyway so please go away urgh feeling.
I'm not feeling sick which I thought having hung out with McB at the weekend and the child bugs that she harbours I might have picked up her cold but no. I scoured the internet and after reading a few articles I'm informed that I'm having a 'carb crash'. Hell's one warned of any crashing, this was not part of the rude!
The theory is that it happens when your body’s glucose reserves (stored in the liver as glycogen – science bit!) are used up, but your body is not yet used to running on protein you begin to feel abit run down.
Symptoms include :
Shaky, jittery - No not me....isn’t this called alcohol withdrawal? (saying that...!)
Fatigue - Well yes but I stayed up watching Control on Film 4....I recommend, it’s a piece of genius! here
Irritable - I am at work remember!
A general feeling of 'not quite right' - Yeap, that’s it....I feel odd, peculiar no less but nothing in particular, a bit of a headache since last night but just....what’s the word.......meh!
BUT the happy news is I am also informed that this will pass in a few days and if I persevere after Day 10 the fog will lift and I will feel stupendous (can't wait for that!)
So today I will mostly be trying to keep warm, drink tea and not be bothered by pesky boys. I shall dream of what it will be like to feel stupendous!! How exciting!
Anyhoo for now........anon pickles xx
P.S..I have 3 spots on my face....I NEVER get spots...I’m hoping this is part of the carb detox and not the onset of delayed teenaged acne *shakes fist at spots*
I lurve you Miss Kate! I just read this and your profile blurb and I had to hold back the tear (yes just the one, I'm saving them all for Saturday!) xxxxxxxx