Wednesday 24 November 2010

The Story of ‘Staying the Same’

The morale of today’s tale is ....try as you might ye shall fail (sometimes) BUT do not give up! Check me positive but I can assure you this is NOT how I felt last night after week 3’s weigh in....the main reaction was ‘BUMS’!

So after a week of pretty much by the book dieting the grand result was.....nothing not a tiny ounce was lost. Yes, yes I know, nothing gained either but what a bloody ball ache. I was abstemious not a drop of alcohol passed my lips, food wise it was all angelic BUT and I’m going to whisper this...I didn’t make it to the gym once but we did do very vigorous shopping, well wandering around Blue Water!

The dreadful truth is dawning....if I want to shift four tonnes of lard I am going to having to get my groove on at the gym. This makes me want to cry a thousand tears and hid in a cupboard but I’m going to have to get a bloomin grip and bite the bullet.

There is a lady in my FC class who has lost 7 STONE in about 18 insane is that and she did it with the addition of exercise so what more of an inspiration do I need...she’s right there in front of my eyes.

Maybe I need to picture her (not in a weird, creepy, stalky kind of way of course!) when I start to talk myself out of the gym. She said last night never in her wildest dreams would she have ever thought she’d have lost 7 stone and that’s sort of how I feel...I can’t even imagine it at the’s the mental equivalent of climbing Kilimanjaro but she has an answer for that....break it down into half stones, that’s 7lbs, I have 1lb to go for my first 7lbs so I will try and do that for next weigh in and then so on and on and on.......!

Last night I was totally in the buggerations mood, today though...I feel ok. The 7lbs thing has sorta struck a chord.

Well onwards and downwards Pickles xx

Wednesday 17 November 2010

Week 2 - A Bit Meh!

Week 2 – 1lbs loss

The problemo is I wasn’t that thrilled with this. I know I know better off than on but I have 84 of them to lose and I’d like to lose most of them before the beginning of June, that’s in 26 weeks! To lose that much I need to average 3.2lbs a week and knowing my losing history that ain’t gonna happen peeps.

Ok, ok so I totally just flipped about the amount and the timescale and I think I need to readdress this SO.....what if I halve it. 26 weeks to lose 42lbs. That would be an average weight loss of 1.6lbs a week.....far more doable I think.

So 42 lbs that’s 3 three stone. That’s a lot, a vey lot and I would look 5000% times better in the bridesmaid dress, I’d feel great (obviously not as great as if I’d got my groove on earlier and then maybe I could be further down the journey but bygones!) and I realise half the battle of weight loss is the feeling you get when you achieve what you want.

Now I know that the first weeks loss will always be big...all about diet change and water loss (sciencey bits) etc. I had a very similar week to the first one, with the exception of a Saturday night out on the tiles, where I was practically angelic! I don’t think I’ve ever gone out and had three G & T’s the whole night in my life and the T’s were slim line at that. I was really conscious of not drinking too much, I actually achieved something I set out to do, space out the booze with water. I actually did it and the world did not collapse, I didn’t spontaneously combust from gin withdrawal, it was all ok. AND no hangover....praise be too little baby cheeses. So on the next drinking occasion I shall think along these lines and attempt the strategy and see how I fare....Ah wait, the next drinking occasion is a hen weekend.....MAYBE NOT!

I think that week one loss was mostly water and this week it’s actual fat....this is a good thing, this is how I need to look at it.

There is of course the elephant in the room............EXERCISE. Seriously, as the worlds laziest bint I really need to sort this out. Does walking round and round an enormous shopping centre on sat count as exercise?? That is totally the kind of exercise I can get on board with but I fear not. God damn it!

I will I will I will address this peeps.........I WILL!

Anyhoo....38 days to Christmas, I’ve hugely over-excited already...such a Christmas pusher!

And on that really annoying note....anon until next time Pickles x

Thursday 11 November 2010

The 1st Result

So week 1 back at fat club and it was a success. 5lbs off......45 gazillion to go!

There is something about being on a structured plan that I like, well when I say structured it’s in the loosest sense of the term, i.e. don't eat crap, don’t drink like a fish and generally you should lose. I think as a character I'm quite into routine, I like to know what I'm doing, I like a plan, I like (horror of horrors) a list and the FC diet fits into this category perfectly. There are lists of free food, lists of things to count and I get to write a list of what I plan to cook every day. This serves 3 purposes.

1.      Keeps me on track, what day is what
2.      Makes the weekly shop easy and cheaper (no sneaking in the ‘oh a really fancy that!’ things...unless its nail varnish or a book of course)
3.      Facilitates my need for control (maybe I really should talk to someone about this!?)

I also haven’t exactly stuck to the low carb thing either, I AM A LIAR AND A CHEAT AND NO ONE SHOULD READ THIS! I keep changing my story huh BUT in ones defence I’m trying my damnedest to lose this bloody weight, it’s an ongoing battle and if I find different ways of doing each week I’ll do it. The main point is as long as I lose weight.  I have a sneaking suspicion, garnered from years of dieting that low carbing is actually better for maintaining the loss, still on FC plan low carbing is an option so we shall see....don’t say I didn’t warn you about modification of mind. WAIT...this shouldn’t not compute within my ‘I like a plan’ lifestyle but whatev’s I’m a girl and it’s my prerogative (word up Bobby Brown) to change my mind!

This week is also the first weekend of a consecutive weekend party fest until Christmas. I am determined NOT to upset next week’s loss from one night’s drinking. I will stick to gin and slim-line, space it out with water and eat properly so I don’t get the marmite toast munchies at 2am. Up early(ish) on Sunday to take Oliver for a stroll and blow the alcohol webs away.

Anyway one’s mind set is positive and I hope this is the start of the decline (in weight and not mental health of course!)

Anon for now Picklets! xx

Wednesday 3 November 2010

Day 1 (Again)

So last night I rejoined Slimming World...hence forth to be known as fat club or FC

I'm still going to proceed with the lower carb thing and luckily FC has a plan to allow that but mainly I need the structure of the weekly weigh in to get me back in the zone and keep me on track.

This is the first positive thing I've done in weeks (with regards to weight loss of course...I brought a new woolly cardi on Sat, that’s very positive!). As I drove home I felt lighter, less stressy about it and that in itself felt great.

I won't go into to the trauma that was the scales, safe to say I almost cried but I managed to control myself, nothing more unattractive than a chubs weeping, snotty, covered in mascara...ooof! It’s not a pretty picture anyway you look at it so I shall just say...this is the fattest I will ever be and do not intent on being here ever again.

So, when I escape from work, home I go to cook a Quorn chilli and some mushroom soup for lunch and will keep my podgy hand out of the biscuit tin. I HAVE to do this....HAVE to and I will.....8 months until one is a bridesmaid (for the 5th time....always a bridesmaid...sob sob!) and I plan on not being the fattest member of the wedding party....only saying that, I will but I will be the slimmest fattest member...if you know what I mean! :-)

Anon for now lovelies xx

Tuesday 2 November 2010

Still Here But Hiding

I can't write and talk about weight loss as I seem to have a mental block to both.

I've not written a jot since my last post as I think I'm still trying to get what I said right in my mind....what a massive drama queen...YES but all jokes aside I'm really, really struggling to get this started.

I have decided to start a walking challenge, I found it on the interweb whilst browsing weight loss (no not surgery or speed) and thought it might be a good place to start. It seems relatively innocuous (not too much effort, remember the lazy thing!). Starts off with a few 20min walks and increases as fitness increases.....I think even for the benefit of my mind, being outside for 20mins at least just walking will be valuable.....clear out all the crap from the day.

So I will keep trying to get a grip on myself and I will post properly once I’ve got it!

In the meantime these things are good....listen/read/buy them

The LOVELY Stephen
I'm going to see her in Feb!! Woohoo
This WILL make your life better

Anyhoo....anon for now and I'll speak soon