Wednesday, 3 November 2010

Day 1 (Again)

So last night I rejoined Slimming World...hence forth to be known as fat club or FC

I'm still going to proceed with the lower carb thing and luckily FC has a plan to allow that but mainly I need the structure of the weekly weigh in to get me back in the zone and keep me on track.

This is the first positive thing I've done in weeks (with regards to weight loss of course...I brought a new woolly cardi on Sat, that’s very positive!). As I drove home I felt lighter, less stressy about it and that in itself felt great.

I won't go into to the trauma that was the scales, safe to say I almost cried but I managed to control myself, nothing more unattractive than a chubs weeping, snotty, covered in mascara...ooof! It’s not a pretty picture anyway you look at it so I shall just say...this is the fattest I will ever be and do not intent on being here ever again.

So, when I escape from work, home I go to cook a Quorn chilli and some mushroom soup for lunch and will keep my podgy hand out of the biscuit tin. I HAVE to do this....HAVE to and I will.....8 months until one is a bridesmaid (for the 5th time....always a bridesmaid...sob sob!) and I plan on not being the fattest member of the wedding party....only saying that, I will but I will be the slimmest fattest member...if you know what I mean! :-)

Anon for now lovelies xx

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