Wednesday, 24 November 2010

The Story of ‘Staying the Same’

The morale of today’s tale is ....try as you might ye shall fail (sometimes) BUT do not give up! Check me positive but I can assure you this is NOT how I felt last night after week 3’s weigh in....the main reaction was ‘BUMS’!

So after a week of pretty much by the book dieting the grand result was.....nothing not a tiny ounce was lost. Yes, yes I know, nothing gained either but what a bloody ball ache. I was abstemious not a drop of alcohol passed my lips, food wise it was all angelic BUT and I’m going to whisper this...I didn’t make it to the gym once but we did do very vigorous shopping, well wandering around Blue Water!

The dreadful truth is dawning....if I want to shift four tonnes of lard I am going to having to get my groove on at the gym. This makes me want to cry a thousand tears and hid in a cupboard but I’m going to have to get a bloomin grip and bite the bullet.

There is a lady in my FC class who has lost 7 STONE in about 18 insane is that and she did it with the addition of exercise so what more of an inspiration do I need...she’s right there in front of my eyes.

Maybe I need to picture her (not in a weird, creepy, stalky kind of way of course!) when I start to talk myself out of the gym. She said last night never in her wildest dreams would she have ever thought she’d have lost 7 stone and that’s sort of how I feel...I can’t even imagine it at the’s the mental equivalent of climbing Kilimanjaro but she has an answer for that....break it down into half stones, that’s 7lbs, I have 1lb to go for my first 7lbs so I will try and do that for next weigh in and then so on and on and on.......!

Last night I was totally in the buggerations mood, today though...I feel ok. The 7lbs thing has sorta struck a chord.

Well onwards and downwards Pickles xx

1 comment:

  1. Fabulous motivated attitude hun! I think I am going to STS or gain this week as have had a huge appetite due to a cold but am determined to not let it turn in to a downwards spiral!! xx
