Wednesday, 17 November 2010

Week 2 - A Bit Meh!

Week 2 – 1lbs loss

The problemo is I wasn’t that thrilled with this. I know I know better off than on but I have 84 of them to lose and I’d like to lose most of them before the beginning of June, that’s in 26 weeks! To lose that much I need to average 3.2lbs a week and knowing my losing history that ain’t gonna happen peeps.

Ok, ok so I totally just flipped about the amount and the timescale and I think I need to readdress this SO.....what if I halve it. 26 weeks to lose 42lbs. That would be an average weight loss of 1.6lbs a week.....far more doable I think.

So 42 lbs that’s 3 three stone. That’s a lot, a vey lot and I would look 5000% times better in the bridesmaid dress, I’d feel great (obviously not as great as if I’d got my groove on earlier and then maybe I could be further down the journey but bygones!) and I realise half the battle of weight loss is the feeling you get when you achieve what you want.

Now I know that the first weeks loss will always be big...all about diet change and water loss (sciencey bits) etc. I had a very similar week to the first one, with the exception of a Saturday night out on the tiles, where I was practically angelic! I don’t think I’ve ever gone out and had three G & T’s the whole night in my life and the T’s were slim line at that. I was really conscious of not drinking too much, I actually achieved something I set out to do, space out the booze with water. I actually did it and the world did not collapse, I didn’t spontaneously combust from gin withdrawal, it was all ok. AND no hangover....praise be too little baby cheeses. So on the next drinking occasion I shall think along these lines and attempt the strategy and see how I fare....Ah wait, the next drinking occasion is a hen weekend.....MAYBE NOT!

I think that week one loss was mostly water and this week it’s actual fat....this is a good thing, this is how I need to look at it.

There is of course the elephant in the room............EXERCISE. Seriously, as the worlds laziest bint I really need to sort this out. Does walking round and round an enormous shopping centre on sat count as exercise?? That is totally the kind of exercise I can get on board with but I fear not. God damn it!

I will I will I will address this peeps.........I WILL!

Anyhoo....38 days to Christmas, I’ve hugely over-excited already...such a Christmas pusher!

And on that really annoying note....anon until next time Pickles x

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